Monday, May 17, 2010

Want to help the environment? Bring Your Own Bottle

One of the most incorrigible habits we are found to be sinful of is the acquisition of bottled water, and lots of it. The biggest issue is if our regular habit has found that spending less than 20 pesos for a bottle is not an issue, then why bring a reusable bottle?

The biggest reality is the issue that plastics are not bio degradable. Just as important is the fact that plastic bottles being used for bottling water is not necessarily healthy as well, if the bottle has been kept in an area of high heat.

Several solutions are readily available, and should be taken advantage of.

1. Bring your own bottle - Offices have water fountains that have water purifiers, houses can install water purifier, the reality is, it is both economical and environmental to bring a portable yet environmental reusable bottle rather than purchasing disposable bottles.

2. Buy a water purifier - Encourage your office and home to switch to water purifiers rather than purchasing water from outside. This will make things more environmental and economical.

If an office can encourage this habit, then imagine the impact on reduction of non biodegradable materials in the landfill. This also means a lot less carbon emissions as well. We all have to do our part in encouraging and motivating others to go green.

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