Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Top 10 Points to consider in building a Greener Home

Through bank financing, it is possible to build a greener home where the additional cost, amortized, is a lot less than the monthly savings one can enjoy from a well built green home.

Green homes are not only eco friendly, but are also friendly to its inhabitants and the surroundings. Here are the first 10 points one should consider before constructing a home.

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1. Location - It is always a popular belief, and still is, that location matters, and it does. But more importantly, you want to ensure that you have good wind circulation in the area you plan to reside. By assuring oneself of good wind, the need for air conditioners is greatly reduced. This will also play a vital role in how your home designer designs a house that uses more passive cooling over the need for air conditioners.

2. Accessibility - You can have a home with a garage that has 3 cars, but it would be better if wherever you want to go is practically a walk away. This makes things more environmental, it encourages walking, and you save a lot on gas as well.

3. Community - Is the community greatly encouraged by greenery? Is the garbage pick up frequent? Has there been any history of flood? Do not scrooge up and get slightly cheaper property and close one eye. Remember that one builds an eco friendly house on terrain best suited for residential living, and this also means choosing a place not prone to flood.

4. Choice of materials - It is not just the use of alternative energy that is important, but eco friendly materials as well. Choose wood from timber that is certified by FSC. Prioritize recycled materials and do your research. Most importantly, stay away from products that have high VOC content. 

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5. Get the Right Fixtures the First Time - Choose pipes that might be more expensive now, but will last a lifetime. Ensure good water pressure and install Eco showerheads to match. Use good quality solar water heaters or air source heat pumps. These are some of the many fixtures and appliances that might cost more at the start, but will pay itself off in no time.

6. Design well lit houses - Better lit houses need less lighting during the day, install light redirection systems and special window treatment to keep the heat out, but lets light in. Use CFL or LED for lighting accordingly.

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7. Design a lifestyle first before designing a house - A person has to look at ones lifestyle first and verbalize what that lifestyle is. The house should be designed around the lifestyle, ensuring that the house is efficient based on what is needed from it.

8. Well designed houses are low maintenance - Well designed houses should require less frequent maintenance in terms of energy, water, and especially home repairs. Invest in more durable materials and keep that money for repairs in your pocket than others.

9. Light colored houses are always a plus - In a tropical country like the Philippines, houses should be painted with light colors. White is the best in deflecting radiant heat. Even if concrete is a low conductor of heat, it will still conduct heat, helping concrete absorb heat will mean more burden for air conditioning.

10. Get your house certified - To ensure that you are building an Eco friendly home, get it certified by either BERDE, LEED, or BREEAM. BERDE is designed to meet local standards and requirements for green buildings. Do your research and choose what is most suitable.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article/entry!

    I've been thinking about putting up a small environmentally sustainable place of my own. Sad to say it has failed to launch off the paper-idea because of how expensive it costs to put up an eco-house -- I already have limited-budget as it is whenever I crunch some numbers.

    The idea is becoming more & more a dream than a reality . . .
