2. Start Segregating Waste - Segregate food and biodegradable products from those that can be recycled, and those that just can't. food can become compost and fertilize gardens, and money can be made from recyclable items (aluminum cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, paper).
3. Go LED or CFL - If you have not done this yet, then it is not too late to go to the nearest hardware and change all incandescent to CFL or LED. they are cheap and pay themselves off in a few short months.
4. Clean your Aircon and Ref - Ensure that all coils of your air conditioner and back of the ref is well ventilated and clean. Excessive amounts of dust and dirt makes them inefficient in transferring heat to the outside, and keeping inside cool.
5. Better Clean than Mask - Rather than having the need to use aerosol air fresheners or the likes, clean the house well enough to remove such need. You will find yourself in a more pleasant state. If possible, use incense sticks or oil lamps over aerosols. They last longer and have a more refreshing scent. Just make sure not to keep them in a fire hazard area.
6. Use Alternative Cleaning Agents- Bleaches and other cleaners are not good for the environment, especially when later flushed down the sewer. If possible, look for eco friendly cleaning products that use Bio Enzymes and alternative cleaning materials (using vinegar and the likes).
7. Open lots of windows - Opening windows during the day is not only healthy, as air is circulated, but it also cools the house with the natural breeze. Just make sure you are not residing near a polluted area.
8. Let light in - Keeping windows open lets light in, reducing the need to use lamps or similar items indoors. Save lighting when there is natural daylight from outside.
9. Throw away old carpets - Dirty carpets are terrible things to keep at home. They invite mold and keep toxins. If possible, use hemp floor rags or natural wooden flooring (bamboo is best).

10. Turn the thermostat - Many find it a good idea to keep aircon thermostat at Max. when not necessary. The ideal room temperature (and healthy) is 24 to 26 degrees. Try to keep rooms at this temperature. Also try using water at 1 to 2 degrees colder than usual. It is not uncomfortable at all and yet saves a lot of money in the process.
Little changes in habit and minor adjustments to what we do can go a very long way.
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