We all use air conditioners to cool our homes and facilities. We need air conditioners to remain productive, since our body needs a cooler environment.
Human bodies burn calories through activity and due to this activity our body produces heat. The heat produced by our body makes it necessary to cool its own, otherwise, it overheats. For the body to be cooled, we have to follow the basic law of heat transfer, which is. heat transfers to a cold place, until a unified temperature is achieved.
But keeping a facility too cold produces another problem. too much cold and the body uses more energy to heat itself up. This is done through movements such as shivering.
Given the above, it was discovered that while everyone has their own healthy or optimal room temperature, the average comfortable temperature is between 24 to 26 degrees celcius.
So, we now know that we need a comfortable room to keep our bodies healthy and productive, and that magic number is 26 degrees celcius. But, how much air conditioner do I need?
For this, we need to get the room dimensions. Take the height, length, and width of a room. We can start off with an example that a room may have a 10 foot ceiling, have an 15 foot length, and 15 foot width. The total room size is 2250 cubic feet.
1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) can raise 55 cubic meters of space by 1 degree farenheit. If the room is 2250 cubic feet, raising it by 1 degree farenheit will require 40 BTU. We will need this to establish how hot is the room before cooling. If the outside temperature is 32 degrees celcius, and we want to bring it to 26 degrees celcius, 6 degrees celcius is equivalent to 42.8 degrees farenheit (F=(C*1.8)+32)
42.8 degrees farenheit multiplied by 40 gives us 1,712 BTU to cool a room from scratch. If the room insulation is good against outside temperature, then there should be minimal effort by the air conditioner to keep the room cool against outside temperature.
We have to remember that while our house might have good walls and everything, any heat leak will bring in heat to the house, and that insulations merely delay heat transfer, not stop heat transfer. Case in point, it takes a long time to heat a brick to boiling hot compared to metal, but you will still be able to heat a brick. Windows are one of the poorest barriers of heat, and dark exterior colors help bricks absorb more heat.
Let us now take in how much heat each person produces.
A sleeping person produces around 250 BTU/hr or 75 watts
A sedentary but awake person produces around 400 BTU/hr or 120 watts
A person doing light work produces around 650 BTU/hr or 190 watts
A person doing heavy work produces around 2400 BTU/hr or 700 watts
We have to determine what are the activities that will transpire in the room. Is it a bedroom? A gym? An office?
For the sake of this example, let's take that the room is an office, with light work, and has 3 people who each produces 650 BTU/hr. This equates to 1,950 BTU/hr
Let us now take electricity. Every watt of energy used would create 3.412 BTU of heat A room with computers, light, and other appliances, produces a lot of heat accordingly. 5 40 watt bulbs and 2 180 watt computers will produce 1,911 BTU per hour.
Total BTU/hr produced by electric appliances and human activity equates to 3,861 BTU
The total starting BTU for a well insulated room is 5,563 BTU/hr or 92 BTU/min, but a room does not necessarily need to cool itself instantly. Therefore, we can take the 92 BTU/min requirement.
The initial room cooling startup will be around 1.8 kwh of electricity. After that, the required BTU will substantially decrease due to good room insulation.
Each horsepower is 745 watts. You may not need a large air conditioner to cool a room, since it is the initial shift of temperature is the primary concern. It would be best that the usual need + 50% would be considered, but then again, it is all dependent on design and strategy for implementing the room cooling system.
The value of good insulation is hopefully established by this literature, and as discussed, keep the room temperature at 26 degrees and help save the planet. Each degree can mean a lot in terms of electricity and carbon emissions
An Environmental Advocacy Blog by Manhattan Green Solutions Focused on Resource, Energy, and Water Savings and Conservation in the Philippines.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Understanding Carbon Footprint
One of the most confusing concepts on going green is the carbon footprint. People usually read about low carbon emissions or certain preferred products, but how does low carbon footprint work?
Carbon footprint is actually no different from understanding how money works. If you were to buy a television for USD 200 that lasts one year compared to a USD 500 that lasts 5 years, the monthly cost of the "cheaper television" is actually USD 16.67 compared to the "more expensive television" costing USD 8.34 a month. Carbon footprint works in a similar function.
There are 2 major basic questions asked before purchasing a product.
1. What is the starting carbon footprint and how long will the product last?
2. What is the carbon footprint of maintaining the product?
There are certain products that might have more processing at the start but it may last a lot longer, and have a lower maintenance cost. It is just as important to see what is the operating resource requirement of the product to better understand what will the product maintenance entail.
There are now more and more resources available online on what are the carbon footprints of some very popular products. Do the due diligence to ensure that whatever product that has to be used gets used wisely, and does not cost the earth to keep and use.
Carbon footprint is actually no different from understanding how money works. If you were to buy a television for USD 200 that lasts one year compared to a USD 500 that lasts 5 years, the monthly cost of the "cheaper television" is actually USD 16.67 compared to the "more expensive television" costing USD 8.34 a month. Carbon footprint works in a similar function.
There are 2 major basic questions asked before purchasing a product.
1. What is the starting carbon footprint and how long will the product last?
2. What is the carbon footprint of maintaining the product?
There are certain products that might have more processing at the start but it may last a lot longer, and have a lower maintenance cost. It is just as important to see what is the operating resource requirement of the product to better understand what will the product maintenance entail.
There are now more and more resources available online on what are the carbon footprints of some very popular products. Do the due diligence to ensure that whatever product that has to be used gets used wisely, and does not cost the earth to keep and use.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
5 Essential Tips on How not to Waste Energy
While we have been promoting positive affirmations on the importance of going green, we have realized that there is an importance on the do nots as well. Here is a brief run down of how not to waste energy.
1. Do not keep non-essential appliances on standby - Conservation energy rules dictates that appliances that have a standby function do take a lot of electricity (especially appliances made at least 5 years ago). Do not leave appliances on standby when not in use and enjoy the savings later.
2. Do not be left unaware of your energy consumption - people who do not use energy meters end up on the losing end as people who do not monitor their own energy tend to consume up to 20% more energy than the rest. Get an energy meter and manage your energy consumption.
3. Do not keep old Air conditioners - It might have been a gift, but if it is more than 10 years old, a new airconditioner will pay itself off in less than a year.
4. Do not use incandescents - CFL have become so cheap that using incandescents is illogical. switch to energy efficient lighting and save that money that can go to a new shirt.
5. Do not leave water dispensers plugged overnight - Water dispensers can consume up to 400 watts per hour. When not needed, might as well keep it unplugged. Better yet, get a regular water dispenser and keep water bottles in refs.
1. Do not keep non-essential appliances on standby - Conservation energy rules dictates that appliances that have a standby function do take a lot of electricity (especially appliances made at least 5 years ago). Do not leave appliances on standby when not in use and enjoy the savings later.
2. Do not be left unaware of your energy consumption - people who do not use energy meters end up on the losing end as people who do not monitor their own energy tend to consume up to 20% more energy than the rest. Get an energy meter and manage your energy consumption.
3. Do not keep old Air conditioners - It might have been a gift, but if it is more than 10 years old, a new airconditioner will pay itself off in less than a year.
4. Do not use incandescents - CFL have become so cheap that using incandescents is illogical. switch to energy efficient lighting and save that money that can go to a new shirt.
5. Do not leave water dispensers plugged overnight - Water dispensers can consume up to 400 watts per hour. When not needed, might as well keep it unplugged. Better yet, get a regular water dispenser and keep water bottles in refs.
about environment,
conservation energy,
save energy
Monday, April 19, 2010
10 Minor Lifestyle Changes for a Greener Future
We have previously discussed on 10 things one can do to have a greener home, but some minor lifestyle changes can also create a positive impact on how we can become greener citizens. These simple habits, when shared to others, will have a major impact in the environment.

1. Choose to Walk, Bike, Commute, or Carpool - Cars with only one user means a high personal carbon footprint. It is usually better to walk to a place 15 minutes away or even bike if the distance is longer. If it is possible to have neighbors who work in the same area to join, do a carpool. Commute is a good idea as long as smoke belching vehicles are avoided.

2. Throw trash in proper areas - Throwing trash on the road will lead trash to the rivers through the sewage system, if not, it will clog the drain. Throw trash in their proper receptacles (paper, plastic, etc) and do our part to have a better environment.

3. Paper or Plastic? Choose none when you can carry it by hand in a convenience store.

4. Take the Stairs - It is not easier said than done, because it is easy. Take the stairs if the person you have to visit is up to 3 floors up. It is also good for the health.

5. Keep a Reusable Water Bottle - Going to the gym or at work? Stop buying bottled water when you can stick to reusable bottles. It is cheaper over time, and does our landfills a huge favor.

6. Buy Green - Make the conscious choice of buying green products over others, this will force companies to go green. Show your support to those who are going green and keep them motivated.

7. Turn off lights even when in a public place - Ever go to a restaurant toilet and find the lights on? Many toilets are good for one person and closing the light after you leave will not only help the restaurant reduce their energy bill, but you are helping make the environment greener.

8. Use reusable bags for groceries - There are many reusable bags available at a low price. They become multi purpose and reduce the need for plastic.

9. Patronize green establishments - Establishments who have made an effort to go green needs your support to encourage others to see that they too have to go green. Otherwise, give suggestions to your neighborhood restaurant to take green steps.

10. Spread the word - Going green means getting everyone to go green. Spread the word and let it spread. This will increase the impact.
1. Choose to Walk, Bike, Commute, or Carpool - Cars with only one user means a high personal carbon footprint. It is usually better to walk to a place 15 minutes away or even bike if the distance is longer. If it is possible to have neighbors who work in the same area to join, do a carpool. Commute is a good idea as long as smoke belching vehicles are avoided.
2. Throw trash in proper areas - Throwing trash on the road will lead trash to the rivers through the sewage system, if not, it will clog the drain. Throw trash in their proper receptacles (paper, plastic, etc) and do our part to have a better environment.
3. Paper or Plastic? Choose none when you can carry it by hand in a convenience store.
4. Take the Stairs - It is not easier said than done, because it is easy. Take the stairs if the person you have to visit is up to 3 floors up. It is also good for the health.
5. Keep a Reusable Water Bottle - Going to the gym or at work? Stop buying bottled water when you can stick to reusable bottles. It is cheaper over time, and does our landfills a huge favor.
6. Buy Green - Make the conscious choice of buying green products over others, this will force companies to go green. Show your support to those who are going green and keep them motivated.
7. Turn off lights even when in a public place - Ever go to a restaurant toilet and find the lights on? Many toilets are good for one person and closing the light after you leave will not only help the restaurant reduce their energy bill, but you are helping make the environment greener.
8. Use reusable bags for groceries - There are many reusable bags available at a low price. They become multi purpose and reduce the need for plastic.
9. Patronize green establishments - Establishments who have made an effort to go green needs your support to encourage others to see that they too have to go green. Otherwise, give suggestions to your neighborhood restaurant to take green steps.
10. Spread the word - Going green means getting everyone to go green. Spread the word and let it spread. This will increase the impact.
about environment,
going green,
green lifestyle
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Eco Calculator Widget now on Greener Philippines Page
A new widget called the Eco Calculator can be found on the right side of the blog, where paper usage can be monitored. There is also a Widget that updates on the current Carbon emissions on the atmosphere. Lastly, there is also a widget that can be used to calculate residential carbon footprints to help become aware on current household environmental impact.
Through this awareness we can strategize on what would be the best practice available to become more eco friendly.
carbon footprint,
save energy,
save water
10 Easy Steps to Greening Your Home
Everyone wants to do their part in greening their home, but investing in new equipment might not be an immediate answer, here are some pointers that can be done while saving up for your next Eco Showerheads or Energy Smart Meters.
1. Start recycling - Newspapers not brought to reclycling centers will not be recycled. By doing our share in giving all paper products for recycling, we are giving them a second life (or even more) by becoming something else. Do not just stop on Newspapers, look for old bottles and the likes.

2. Start Segregating Waste - Segregate food and biodegradable products from those that can be recycled, and those that just can't. food can become compost and fertilize gardens, and money can be made from recyclable items (aluminum cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, paper).

3. Go LED or CFL - If you have not done this yet, then it is not too late to go to the nearest hardware and change all incandescent to CFL or LED. they are cheap and pay themselves off in a few short months.

4. Clean your Aircon and Ref - Ensure that all coils of your air conditioner and back of the ref is well ventilated and clean. Excessive amounts of dust and dirt makes them inefficient in transferring heat to the outside, and keeping inside cool.

5. Better Clean than Mask - Rather than having the need to use aerosol air fresheners or the likes, clean the house well enough to remove such need. You will find yourself in a more pleasant state. If possible, use incense sticks or oil lamps over aerosols. They last longer and have a more refreshing scent. Just make sure not to keep them in a fire hazard area.

6. Use Alternative Cleaning Agents- Bleaches and other cleaners are not good for the environment, especially when later flushed down the sewer. If possible, look for eco friendly cleaning products that use Bio Enzymes and alternative cleaning materials (using vinegar and the likes).

7. Open lots of windows - Opening windows during the day is not only healthy, as air is circulated, but it also cools the house with the natural breeze. Just make sure you are not residing near a polluted area.

8. Let light in - Keeping windows open lets light in, reducing the need to use lamps or similar items indoors. Save lighting when there is natural daylight from outside.

9. Throw away old carpets - Dirty carpets are terrible things to keep at home. They invite mold and keep toxins. If possible, use hemp floor rags or natural wooden flooring (bamboo is best).

10. Turn the thermostat - Many find it a good idea to keep aircon thermostat at Max. when not necessary. The ideal room temperature (and healthy) is 24 to 26 degrees. Try to keep rooms at this temperature. Also try using water at 1 to 2 degrees colder than usual. It is not uncomfortable at all and yet saves a lot of money in the process.
Little changes in habit and minor adjustments to what we do can go a very long way.
2. Start Segregating Waste - Segregate food and biodegradable products from those that can be recycled, and those that just can't. food can become compost and fertilize gardens, and money can be made from recyclable items (aluminum cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, paper).
3. Go LED or CFL - If you have not done this yet, then it is not too late to go to the nearest hardware and change all incandescent to CFL or LED. they are cheap and pay themselves off in a few short months.
4. Clean your Aircon and Ref - Ensure that all coils of your air conditioner and back of the ref is well ventilated and clean. Excessive amounts of dust and dirt makes them inefficient in transferring heat to the outside, and keeping inside cool.
5. Better Clean than Mask - Rather than having the need to use aerosol air fresheners or the likes, clean the house well enough to remove such need. You will find yourself in a more pleasant state. If possible, use incense sticks or oil lamps over aerosols. They last longer and have a more refreshing scent. Just make sure not to keep them in a fire hazard area.
6. Use Alternative Cleaning Agents- Bleaches and other cleaners are not good for the environment, especially when later flushed down the sewer. If possible, look for eco friendly cleaning products that use Bio Enzymes and alternative cleaning materials (using vinegar and the likes).
7. Open lots of windows - Opening windows during the day is not only healthy, as air is circulated, but it also cools the house with the natural breeze. Just make sure you are not residing near a polluted area.
8. Let light in - Keeping windows open lets light in, reducing the need to use lamps or similar items indoors. Save lighting when there is natural daylight from outside.
9. Throw away old carpets - Dirty carpets are terrible things to keep at home. They invite mold and keep toxins. If possible, use hemp floor rags or natural wooden flooring (bamboo is best).

10. Turn the thermostat - Many find it a good idea to keep aircon thermostat at Max. when not necessary. The ideal room temperature (and healthy) is 24 to 26 degrees. Try to keep rooms at this temperature. Also try using water at 1 to 2 degrees colder than usual. It is not uncomfortable at all and yet saves a lot of money in the process.
Little changes in habit and minor adjustments to what we do can go a very long way.
green home,
LED lighting,
save energy,
save water
An Introduction to Green Building Certifications
The Philippines, through a developing awareness on the importance of going environmental, will start to see a lot of buildings showing different environmental certifications. Many would ask "What is the basic purpose of these certifications and why would they matter?"

Just like the concept of ISO, Green Building Certifications like BERDE, being developed for the Philippines, BREEAM from the UK, and LEED from the USA, are formed to give a benchmark on what the building is doing to become more environmental
(Above: Breeam Criteria on Cerficiation)
The whole concept of building green and getting certified gives public a better awareness that the building follows standards of choosing the right materials for building the products which is both sustainable for the environment, and safe for public health. It also continues by ensuring that these implementations are an on going benefit to the environment and its occupants by setting standards that are dynamic as new technology enters the market.
Major important areas to consider are on energy efficiency, water efficiency, resource efficiency, and health impact
Building Certifications take the regular building and challenges developers to go beyond the standards of conventional buildings and further improve and reduce the need for consumable resources. Buildings have to maximize using nature such as daylight and wind in lighting and cooling whenever possible.
Reward on using the following certification pays for itself in many ways. Clients who are aware of these certification and their corresponding benefits favor Green Certified buildings, thus increasing their property value. They also have an economic advantage of substantially lower maintenance cost, and the idea of creating a building that is beneficial for the environment is more important than ever.
People looking into investing in properties now have to put greater weight on Green Certified buildings as the shift towards eco-responsible products and infrastructure is more important. Those who do not go green are left out.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Truths On LED Bulbs
Many have been recently promoting LED bulbs as the next green bulb of the future, and rightfully so. LED bulbs do not contain mercury, and can last up to 100,000 hours of lamp life. LED also has the distinctive advantage of not flickering, one of the major causes of migraine and fatigue in the workplace. Workplaces found to be using incandescent or halogen have found better productivity due to this, but are not economical. This is where LED have shown some powerful advantage.
But just because the bulb is LED does not mean to say it is environmental. There have been many LED bulbs now being sold or distributed using regular LED bulbs over the supposed bulbs. Others claim to be using CREE LED bulbs when the driver is not of proper quality. What would this all mean to the user? A useless bulb.
The current most efficient LED bulbs in production has a lumens per watt of 105, the same as that of CFL. It is truly no different compared to regular CFL bulbs, and even with 5 times the lifespan (assuming the LED driver is of good quality), the cost of using LED will not be realized.
LED do well in replacing fluorescent, where half of its illumination is on the ceiling, losing up to 70% of its illumination. LED has solved this issue by having only the bottom half of its tube filled with LEDs, giving the same illumination to that of T5 at half the required power.

But as previously stated, several factors should be looked into before purchasing the bulb. Get good information on the LED bulbs being used. Choose highly reputated LED bulbs and check their lumens per watt to ensure that they are indeed very efficient. Also make sure that the LED driver being used is of sound quality. There is also a strong issue on the heat sink. While LEDs do not produce as much heat, it still needs a good heat sink to ensure the product will last long.
Lastly, do the mathematical computation on amount of time needed to run the bulb. Compare savings against lifespan and review if the ROI is feasible. Many companies now are willing to replace LED bulbs for free provided they get a share of the savings. Others will find this feasible.
LED lighting,
philippine environment,
save energy
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hand Towels or Hand Dryers? Which is more Environmental? Which is more Economical?
Public toilets are still popularly using hand towels due to the assumed fact that hand dryers are found to be expensive due to energy. Not only that, hand dryers have been found to be not as effective in drying hands, and worse yet, maintenance cost is quite high especially for the lower end hand dryers.

While the above all sound logical, many points with regards to environmental concerns, aside from economic concerns, have not been addressed. Facility owners and managers simply do not have data on how much does it truly cost to use hand towels and hand dryers. The lack of information definitely poses a risky and flawed decision.
According to Manhattan Green Solutions on their research, the cost of hand towels per piece is Php 0.22 and that 2 hand towels are typically taken from the dispenser to dry hands. More importantly, the environmental impact of hand towels is very high, given that trees have to be cut, which encourages deforestation.
Regular hand dryers are better in terms of cost at Php 0.27 per use, but the annual maintenance cost of replacing the button or the heating coil makes this both an economic and environmental nightmare. Worse, regular hand dryers are not perfect in drying hands, causing users to be either frustrated, or choose to get hand towels after to dry hands.
While this is a major quagmire that has been faced by facility owners, new technologies have made hand dryers more efficient. New Eco Friendly Hand dryers have been developed with some of the most amazing results.

First and foremost, Eco Friendly hand dryers like Veltia only consume Php 0.06 per use of energy, the lowest of its class, and definitely the most economical compared to tissue and regular hand dryers.
The use of high power wind at the speed of a hurricane "sweeps" water off the hands rather than trying to evaporating it, making it substantially more effective in drying hands, resulting to satisfied customers who will not need the use of hand towels.
Another interesting feature which is found in many proper hand dryers is the touch free system. The removal of parts to be touched or operated on by users mean substantially lesser maintenance cost. In fact, maintenance cost is close to zero for the first 5 years.
The resulting analysis, coupled with time saving of 80%, makes new eco friendly hand dryers more beneficial. While these hand dryers might have a higher start up cost, Return on Investment is usually less than 2 years.
In pursuit of going green, it is usually found that there is a large economic benefit in upgrading to a newer technology since it uses lesser resources over its lifespan. It does indeed pay to go green.
about environment,
Hand dryers,
save energy,
save trees
The Importance of Going Environmental
There have been some important discussions on the past on the ecological cost of any action. What is just as urgent is the climatic effect of non-action.

Countless surveys have presented that we are all more than aware about our environment, and countless surveys have also presented that we are willing to do something. Unless we do anything, no change can happen. The flooding that happened last September 26, 2009 in the Luzon area of the Philippines should give people a more urgent picture of climate change.
The Philippines was not the only one affected. If we gather up data for the worst flooding disasters in the last decade, different countries all over suffered the same fate. They were all taken by surprise, they were helpless, and they were confused.
We sat in front of the TV witnessing what devastation climate change could bring to different countries. Now that it happened here, this should be a wake up call that perhaps everyone needs to take more immediate action with regards to environmentalism.
It has to go a step further. No one else has to wait for floods to reach their area before they wake up to this realization. Environmentalism is paramount as we try to reverse the ecological effect of our daily routine. We have to reflect, be aware, and analyze what has to be done to bring back balance to nature.
Everyone has to give more urgency in using only what they need, to plant trees and other plants, and to encourage physical activity instead of being dependent to mechanical systems for things we can easily do on our own.
The little things we can do makes a big difference. And there is no earlier time to start than now.
Countless surveys have presented that we are all more than aware about our environment, and countless surveys have also presented that we are willing to do something. Unless we do anything, no change can happen. The flooding that happened last September 26, 2009 in the Luzon area of the Philippines should give people a more urgent picture of climate change.
The Philippines was not the only one affected. If we gather up data for the worst flooding disasters in the last decade, different countries all over suffered the same fate. They were all taken by surprise, they were helpless, and they were confused.
We sat in front of the TV witnessing what devastation climate change could bring to different countries. Now that it happened here, this should be a wake up call that perhaps everyone needs to take more immediate action with regards to environmentalism.
It has to go a step further. No one else has to wait for floods to reach their area before they wake up to this realization. Environmentalism is paramount as we try to reverse the ecological effect of our daily routine. We have to reflect, be aware, and analyze what has to be done to bring back balance to nature.
Everyone has to give more urgency in using only what they need, to plant trees and other plants, and to encourage physical activity instead of being dependent to mechanical systems for things we can easily do on our own.
The little things we can do makes a big difference. And there is no earlier time to start than now.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Defining Green
There is a strong rising importance for different organizations to go green. The focal point of going green has mainly attributed to a better understanding of ecological cost aside from economic cost.
But there are some more important points to be brought out when "going green" is discussed. Green is not just choosing products with a "green" label, it is a lifestyle, and a thought process, that makes us reflect on the very basic point. ECOLOGICAL COST.
Ecological cost's currency is carbon footprint. But just like in economics, Dollars is not the only denomination. In ecological sense, there is an addition of the different types of toxic chemicals, the efficient use of nature in keeping environmental balance, and the overall positive lifestyle impact. If we take all these things into consideration, it may sound overwhelming, but it actually is very simple.
Some important pointers to understand are the following...
- Going green means using products that can be disposed without causing harm to the environment. If the product being disposed on land can kill a human, then it is toxic and not environmental.
- Less is more with going green. Lesser packaging, lesser maintenance, and longer life (meaning, lesser replacements) makes something more environmental.
- In many situations, if it makes ecological sense, it actually makes economical sense. By using less resources, we put less burden on the environment, and since less resources is used, then our cost of consumption goes down as well. Going green is using less energy, using less water, using less fuel.
I have talked to a few very notable individuals whose aim is to sincerely go green in their different facilities. It is encouraging to discover that people really do want to go green. This is not just for the marketing opportunity, but most importantly, due to the understanding that the environment does matter. Many have opted to better understand their energy consumption by understanding how to manage their energy. They now look into reducing water consumption through sincere waterless urinal system or low water consumption showerheads. They also now understand how much their lighting can contribute to their energy bill. This impact can now be managed and looked into.
What is found to be impressive is that the simplest things do make a startling difference. One of the facilities currently uses a drinking water fountain with a water filtration system to reduce or eliminate the need for bottles for water. They have also taken the initiative to put plants within the facility to improve air quality.
In many cases, some of the simplest renovations do make a big impact as well. Looking for heat leaks within the facility and eliminating them reduces the load for cooling machineries. Increasing the temperature of the cooling system by 2 degrees, up to 27 or 28 degrees, does make a large impact on energy savings. Fixing leaks in toilets also save a lot of money aside from valuable water. These important facets in design create and contribute to a more environmental workplace.
Aside from choosing the right products and fixing areas of concern, lifestyle also has to adapt an environmental attitude. Wireless energy monitoring systems help determine the current energy consumption and be better managed from its source. It was noted that people who are aware of their energy consumption can save up to 20% on energy consumption. But it even goes further, taking 2 minutes less in the showerhead can save a lot of money and energy as well, up to 300 watt hours on heating and 4 gallons of water on efficient showerhead systems. They might sound like minor adjustments, but they do create a large impact on our lifestyle.
Going green, therefore, is an awareness, it is a new insight that has to be understood that another dimension does exist when it comes to our lifestyle. It is a decision, an option, but a very rewarding one. After all, our own decisions become our own impact. Going green is not just a lifestyle to save the Earth, it is a lifestyle to save ourselves.
But there are some more important points to be brought out when "going green" is discussed. Green is not just choosing products with a "green" label, it is a lifestyle, and a thought process, that makes us reflect on the very basic point. ECOLOGICAL COST.
Ecological cost's currency is carbon footprint. But just like in economics, Dollars is not the only denomination. In ecological sense, there is an addition of the different types of toxic chemicals, the efficient use of nature in keeping environmental balance, and the overall positive lifestyle impact. If we take all these things into consideration, it may sound overwhelming, but it actually is very simple.
Some important pointers to understand are the following...
- Going green means using products that can be disposed without causing harm to the environment. If the product being disposed on land can kill a human, then it is toxic and not environmental.
- Less is more with going green. Lesser packaging, lesser maintenance, and longer life (meaning, lesser replacements) makes something more environmental.
- In many situations, if it makes ecological sense, it actually makes economical sense. By using less resources, we put less burden on the environment, and since less resources is used, then our cost of consumption goes down as well. Going green is using less energy, using less water, using less fuel.
I have talked to a few very notable individuals whose aim is to sincerely go green in their different facilities. It is encouraging to discover that people really do want to go green. This is not just for the marketing opportunity, but most importantly, due to the understanding that the environment does matter. Many have opted to better understand their energy consumption by understanding how to manage their energy. They now look into reducing water consumption through sincere waterless urinal system or low water consumption showerheads. They also now understand how much their lighting can contribute to their energy bill. This impact can now be managed and looked into.
What is found to be impressive is that the simplest things do make a startling difference. One of the facilities currently uses a drinking water fountain with a water filtration system to reduce or eliminate the need for bottles for water. They have also taken the initiative to put plants within the facility to improve air quality.
In many cases, some of the simplest renovations do make a big impact as well. Looking for heat leaks within the facility and eliminating them reduces the load for cooling machineries. Increasing the temperature of the cooling system by 2 degrees, up to 27 or 28 degrees, does make a large impact on energy savings. Fixing leaks in toilets also save a lot of money aside from valuable water. These important facets in design create and contribute to a more environmental workplace.
Aside from choosing the right products and fixing areas of concern, lifestyle also has to adapt an environmental attitude. Wireless energy monitoring systems help determine the current energy consumption and be better managed from its source. It was noted that people who are aware of their energy consumption can save up to 20% on energy consumption. But it even goes further, taking 2 minutes less in the showerhead can save a lot of money and energy as well, up to 300 watt hours on heating and 4 gallons of water on efficient showerhead systems. They might sound like minor adjustments, but they do create a large impact on our lifestyle.
Going green, therefore, is an awareness, it is a new insight that has to be understood that another dimension does exist when it comes to our lifestyle. It is a decision, an option, but a very rewarding one. After all, our own decisions become our own impact. Going green is not just a lifestyle to save the Earth, it is a lifestyle to save ourselves.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Impact of Water Heaters to the Environment
One of the most deceiving equipments people least think about are residential water heaters. The Philippines typically use Electric Water Heaters in heating water for showers. But the question is, is there a big electricity cost in using electric water heaters? Is there a big impact in our Environment? Is there an environment concern in using electric water heaters that we do not know of?

Let us start off with the following computation for everyone's better understanding of how is energy computed for electric water heaters.
We first have to start off with how much BTU do we need to raise our water temperature to the desired level.
BTU stands for British Thermal Unit, it presents how much energy is required to raise 1 pound of water up by 1 degree Farenheit.
Remember that 1 Gallon of water is 8.337 pounds.
And an Electric Water Heater needs 4.9 Kilowatt hours to produce 16,600 BTU.
As an example, a typical shower head in the Philippines can consume 3.5 Gallons Per Minute to 5 Gallons Per Minute.
Gallons Per Minute is the amount of water a shower head uses in 1 minute.
With one of the clients I have worked with, their showerhead was consuming 4.8 Gallons per minute.
Their water before being heated is 20 degrees Celcius (68 Farenheit)
The optimal water temperature for a shower for my client was 38 degrees Celcius (100.4 Farenheit)
They needed to raise water temperature by 32.4 degrees Farenheit.
So, 32.4 degrees Farenheit, multiplied by 8.337 pounds per gallon, totals 270.119 BTU Per Gallon
Their showerhead at 4.8 GPM therefore needs 1,296.53 BTU Per Minute.
That is equivalent to an energy consumption of 0.38 kwh for heating water per minute

In monetary terms, at Php 9.5 per kwh, it costs Php 3.61 for hot water PER MINUTE.
An eco friendly showerhead using 1.2 GPM would cost Php 0.85 per minute of shower.
Therefore, Electric Water Heaters using conventional showerheads would actually cost Php 2.75 PER MINUTE more than eco friendly showerheads.
Besides the economic cost, each Kilowatt of Energy used in the Philippines has carbon emissions of 0.59 kilos.
While this sounds small, a person taking a 10 minute shower a day would end up with 600 Kilos of CO2 a year in the atmosphere more than necessary. This is 600 kilos of carbon could have been saved by using an eco showerhead.
The above computation is designed to give everyone a bigger glimpse of what is the impact of electric water heaters.
But there is more.
Using centralized water heating means that water is being heated and reheated to keep a proposed optimal temperature. Ill designed pipings would mean that water keeps cooling, and therefore the heater needs to keep heating.
It is therefore vital that hot water pipes are well insulated to ensure water is always warm. Check the body of the centralized water heater for any loss of insulation and have it fixed.
The economic and environmental benefit of a well maintained water heater, paired with an efficient showerhead would create a big change that many have not even thought about. Try to rethink our use of resource and through better management we are thus taking positive steps to an environmental future
Let us start off with the following computation for everyone's better understanding of how is energy computed for electric water heaters.
We first have to start off with how much BTU do we need to raise our water temperature to the desired level.
BTU stands for British Thermal Unit, it presents how much energy is required to raise 1 pound of water up by 1 degree Farenheit.
Remember that 1 Gallon of water is 8.337 pounds.
And an Electric Water Heater needs 4.9 Kilowatt hours to produce 16,600 BTU.
As an example, a typical shower head in the Philippines can consume 3.5 Gallons Per Minute to 5 Gallons Per Minute.
Gallons Per Minute is the amount of water a shower head uses in 1 minute.
With one of the clients I have worked with, their showerhead was consuming 4.8 Gallons per minute.
Their water before being heated is 20 degrees Celcius (68 Farenheit)
The optimal water temperature for a shower for my client was 38 degrees Celcius (100.4 Farenheit)
They needed to raise water temperature by 32.4 degrees Farenheit.
So, 32.4 degrees Farenheit, multiplied by 8.337 pounds per gallon, totals 270.119 BTU Per Gallon
Their showerhead at 4.8 GPM therefore needs 1,296.53 BTU Per Minute.
That is equivalent to an energy consumption of 0.38 kwh for heating water per minute
In monetary terms, at Php 9.5 per kwh, it costs Php 3.61 for hot water PER MINUTE.
An eco friendly showerhead using 1.2 GPM would cost Php 0.85 per minute of shower.
Therefore, Electric Water Heaters using conventional showerheads would actually cost Php 2.75 PER MINUTE more than eco friendly showerheads.
Besides the economic cost, each Kilowatt of Energy used in the Philippines has carbon emissions of 0.59 kilos.
While this sounds small, a person taking a 10 minute shower a day would end up with 600 Kilos of CO2 a year in the atmosphere more than necessary. This is 600 kilos of carbon could have been saved by using an eco showerhead.
The above computation is designed to give everyone a bigger glimpse of what is the impact of electric water heaters.
But there is more.
Using centralized water heating means that water is being heated and reheated to keep a proposed optimal temperature. Ill designed pipings would mean that water keeps cooling, and therefore the heater needs to keep heating.
It is therefore vital that hot water pipes are well insulated to ensure water is always warm. Check the body of the centralized water heater for any loss of insulation and have it fixed.
The economic and environmental benefit of a well maintained water heater, paired with an efficient showerhead would create a big change that many have not even thought about. Try to rethink our use of resource and through better management we are thus taking positive steps to an environmental future
about environment,
energy conservation,
save energy,
save water
Environment Effects of Energy in the Philippines
The Philippines currently uses a higher ratio of fossil fuels as source of energy compared to other possible sources. The choice of using fossil fuels means every kilowatt of energy being consumed is equivalent to 0.59 kg of carbon emissions to the atmosphere.

What is the environmental impact of carbon emissions? Carbon emissions is one of the leading cause of Global Warming, as it absorbs and retains heat in the atmosphere. Worse yet, carbon emissions is also the leading cause of smog in many developed cities, which also leads to many diseases.
But carbon dioxide is also a vital ingredient for plants. Plants breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, which we need. There has to be a balance if we want to live in a healthy environment.
What is more important and urgent when it comes to fossil fuels is not only the carbon emissions, but there are many other components in burning fossil fuels to the atmosphere that can cause more severe problems to health and the environment. There are part of Mercury, Sulfur, and other elements.
What then, is the best way to minimize the impact of energy to the environment? What is then the best way to save energy and only use what is needed?
The core point in this situation is to understand how much energy is being used in different parts of our infrastructure. Some of the most surprising points would be that water dispensers, which we only use for 1 hour a day at home, actually consumes 400 watts. Imagine the impact of a water dispenser for residential use. We might not feel or understand the source of this wasted energy, but it can use as much as the entire lighting being CFL at home.
Other areas of wasted energy are appliances put on "standby" and adaptors/chargers. Each charger left plugged in can consume around 3 watts of energy. Old appliances like entertainment systems left on standby can consume a whopping 20 watts of energy, a surprising blow given that majority of these appliances are used up to 3 hours a day maximum.
It is therefore vital that energy is understood and monitored to know just how much energy is truly necessary in our facility/residence. Look for appliances that are not needed and unplug them. Get energy strips with switches that can be turned off for appliances rather than being left on standby.
You would be surprised. A well managed energy use not only saves the environment, but up to 20% of energy consumption.
What is the environmental impact of carbon emissions? Carbon emissions is one of the leading cause of Global Warming, as it absorbs and retains heat in the atmosphere. Worse yet, carbon emissions is also the leading cause of smog in many developed cities, which also leads to many diseases.
What is more important and urgent when it comes to fossil fuels is not only the carbon emissions, but there are many other components in burning fossil fuels to the atmosphere that can cause more severe problems to health and the environment. There are part of Mercury, Sulfur, and other elements.
What then, is the best way to minimize the impact of energy to the environment? What is then the best way to save energy and only use what is needed?
The core point in this situation is to understand how much energy is being used in different parts of our infrastructure. Some of the most surprising points would be that water dispensers, which we only use for 1 hour a day at home, actually consumes 400 watts. Imagine the impact of a water dispenser for residential use. We might not feel or understand the source of this wasted energy, but it can use as much as the entire lighting being CFL at home.
Other areas of wasted energy are appliances put on "standby" and adaptors/chargers. Each charger left plugged in can consume around 3 watts of energy. Old appliances like entertainment systems left on standby can consume a whopping 20 watts of energy, a surprising blow given that majority of these appliances are used up to 3 hours a day maximum.
It is therefore vital that energy is understood and monitored to know just how much energy is truly necessary in our facility/residence. Look for appliances that are not needed and unplug them. Get energy strips with switches that can be turned off for appliances rather than being left on standby.
You would be surprised. A well managed energy use not only saves the environment, but up to 20% of energy consumption.
Monitor your Energy if you want to Manage it
The most common notion with many is that the best way to bring down energy is to merely switch to CFL.
While this may hold true, a larger part of energy consumption is still on inefficient appliances, and poor behavior and awareness of turning appliances off when not in use.
Manhattan Green Solutions thus presents EFERGY Elite as a solution to the entire idea of energy management.
Here is an excerpt from the site.
The Efergy meter is a wireless smart electricity meter that helps you track how much energy you use encouraging a reduction in energy while saving money, because the monitor gives instantly an accurate reading of how much energy you are consuming.
Efergy tells you every 6 seconds how much power you are consuming, how much money this is costing you and an estimate of your personal contribution to the climate change. If you turn a set of lights ON or OFF, you can see INSTANTLY the change this has to your energy use. Once you have this information to hand means you, your family, or business, can visually see the benefits of saving energy.
The data is stored daily in an easy to access CPU memory so you can actually see the effects of your changing energy habits.Comparing day-to-day usage gives you direct feedback of how daily changes of habit toward energy use can have an effect on costs and estimates the personal contribution to the climate change in terms of carbon emissions.
The Efergy meter is an excellent educational device. It is easy to use, displays personal energy consumption and increases awareness of important issues related to electricity, energy and the environment.

The elite wireless electricity monitor allows you to instantly understand your energy usage, giving you the power to reduce it.
The elite gives you instant feedback about how much electricity you are using, every six seconds. You can see the impact of turning
equipment and lights on or off and start saving straight away.
The elite has an innovative memory function that tracks your electricity usage – daily, weekly or monthly. You can see how your
energy consumption changes over time as you make changes to your behaviour. All efergy electricity monitors are simple to install
and easy to use.
As per stated above, Efergy is one of the many amazing products now available in the Philippines in helping companies and individuals manage energy in a more efficient manner.
Typical use of Efergy can help people save energy by up to 40%. This is all dependent on a person's ability and motivation to make the most out of the data being presented by Efergy.
For more information, please visit Manhattan Green Solutions
While this may hold true, a larger part of energy consumption is still on inefficient appliances, and poor behavior and awareness of turning appliances off when not in use.
Manhattan Green Solutions thus presents EFERGY Elite as a solution to the entire idea of energy management.
Here is an excerpt from the site.
Efergy tells you every 6 seconds how much power you are consuming, how much money this is costing you and an estimate of your personal contribution to the climate change. If you turn a set of lights ON or OFF, you can see INSTANTLY the change this has to your energy use. Once you have this information to hand means you, your family, or business, can visually see the benefits of saving energy.
The data is stored daily in an easy to access CPU memory so you can actually see the effects of your changing energy habits.Comparing day-to-day usage gives you direct feedback of how daily changes of habit toward energy use can have an effect on costs and estimates the personal contribution to the climate change in terms of carbon emissions.
The Efergy meter is an excellent educational device. It is easy to use, displays personal energy consumption and increases awareness of important issues related to electricity, energy and the environment.
The elite wireless electricity monitor allows you to instantly understand your energy usage, giving you the power to reduce it.
The elite gives you instant feedback about how much electricity you are using, every six seconds. You can see the impact of turning
equipment and lights on or off and start saving straight away.
The elite has an innovative memory function that tracks your electricity usage – daily, weekly or monthly. You can see how your
energy consumption changes over time as you make changes to your behaviour. All efergy electricity monitors are simple to install
and easy to use.
As per stated above, Efergy is one of the many amazing products now available in the Philippines in helping companies and individuals manage energy in a more efficient manner.
Typical use of Efergy can help people save energy by up to 40%. This is all dependent on a person's ability and motivation to make the most out of the data being presented by Efergy.
For more information, please visit Manhattan Green Solutions
Saturday, April 10, 2010
How do you know if your toilet bowl water closet is leaking?
There is a strong need for people to be aware about how to save water. Water conservation in the Philippines has come to become ever more important not only due to increased price of water, but also with the exceptionally low water level found the dams.
During the energy water conservation seminar dubbed "The Greener Good" hosted by JCI with notable guests from Greenpeace, Manhattan Green Solutions, and Philcarbon, Greenpeace has emphasized just how bad is the current situation with the water reserve. The water level is actually lower than the measuring stick. It was a lot lower than the "critical level" sign on the measuring point. Water conservation is thus paramount in this situation.
One of the areas oftentimes found to be a major problem are toilet bowl leaks. Toilet water closets that use flappers have a terrible tendency to leak alarming amount of water without us realizing. Toilet water closets can leak up to 2 liters per minute. Some can go as high as 5 liters per minute.
How do we know if our toilet is leaking? The simplest and most cost effective idea is to put food coloring on the water (a few drops of red is good) in the water closet and not flush the toilet for 10 minutes. Come back after 10 minutes and check if the toilet bowl. If the color in the toilet bowl has changed, then there's a leak.
If a leak is found, check the flap. If it does not close well, try to clean the area around the flap, replace the flap, or increase string length for the toilet flush.
If possible, replace flapper to a siphon system.
What are sometimes not noticed can be a deadly source of leaks. Making minor changes can quantify to large savings. This is a good and positive start in going green
During the energy water conservation seminar dubbed "The Greener Good" hosted by JCI with notable guests from Greenpeace, Manhattan Green Solutions, and Philcarbon, Greenpeace has emphasized just how bad is the current situation with the water reserve. The water level is actually lower than the measuring stick. It was a lot lower than the "critical level" sign on the measuring point. Water conservation is thus paramount in this situation.
One of the areas oftentimes found to be a major problem are toilet bowl leaks. Toilet water closets that use flappers have a terrible tendency to leak alarming amount of water without us realizing. Toilet water closets can leak up to 2 liters per minute. Some can go as high as 5 liters per minute.
How do we know if our toilet is leaking? The simplest and most cost effective idea is to put food coloring on the water (a few drops of red is good) in the water closet and not flush the toilet for 10 minutes. Come back after 10 minutes and check if the toilet bowl. If the color in the toilet bowl has changed, then there's a leak.
If a leak is found, check the flap. If it does not close well, try to clean the area around the flap, replace the flap, or increase string length for the toilet flush.
If possible, replace flapper to a siphon system.
What are sometimes not noticed can be a deadly source of leaks. Making minor changes can quantify to large savings. This is a good and positive start in going green
converve water,
eco friendly,
save water,
water leaks
Friday, April 9, 2010
Manhattan Green Solutions Presents Oxygenics Eco friendly Water Saving Shower Head
Manhattan Green Solutions presents a water saving eco friendly showerhead from Oxygenics USA. Showers are one of the highest water consuming systems at home, presenting a good 30% to 50% of water being consumed.
Oxygenics Showerheads are the most water efficient in water conservation solutions. Regular Showerheads typically consume around 3.5 to 4.5 Gallons Per Minute (GPM). Oxygenics Showerheads consume 1.2 to 1.5 GPM, saving up to 70% in water consumption.
Advantages of Oxygenics
Water Saving And Self Pressurizing
Oxygenics showerheads work in a revolutionary, remarkable way. There is no other showerhead on the market that uses the patented Oxygenics® technology or is able to provide the same benefits. By using Oxygenics showerheads, customers and business will be positively impacted for many years.
The innovative technology behind Oxygenics® is based on the Venturi Principle. As water enters the base of the showerhead, it is propelled through an accelerator fin to increase the velocity of the water flow. It is then directed through a channel where oxygen is injected into water. The result? Phenomenal coverage and a continuous range of sensations - from a soft relaxing spray to a deep, therapeutic massage while maintaining a very high level of water efficiency.
How does this technology affect me?
Oxygenics is able to save water and energy without sacrificing the performance and shower experience we all expect every day. That means money in your pocket and smiles on the faces of your customers.
Property owners, maintenance supervisors, or places with hard water and high calcium levels know how troublesome it can be to have to maintain shower fixtures. The single orifice design of Oxygenics® showerheads coupled with internal components made of non-stick Delrin® are no match against common "shower cloggers." There isn't a calcium deposit or sediment that will stand in the way.
What is Delrin® and how does it work?
Delrin® is one of the secret weapons of Oxygenics® success. The chemical make-up of this innovative material doesn't allow lime and calcium deposits to bond to it. Using the average showerhead, you probably spend time and money dipping your investment in CLR or vinegar and find yourself frequently replacing clogged fixtures. Switching to Oxygenics® products will have a high efficiency shower fixture that will last for years without having to touch it. Eliminate problems of clogged showers and constant cleaning. Oxygenics® is virtually maintenance free.
As the human body ages, levels of oxygen start to diminish, especially in the skin, breaking down collagen and elastin. Oxygenics® showerheads are designed to rejuvenate your skin.
Oxygen is good for us. It is the second largest component of the earth's atmosphere. Humans and animals rely on it for survival. Without it, life as we know it would cease. But oxygen is not just for breathing.
Oxygen is a critical and sometimes overlooked component in water. Health and beauty experts praise this showerhead for its health-enhancing ability to revitalize the skin and rejuvenate skin cells.
What can oxygen do for me?
The Oxygenics system uses patented technology to continually introduce air into the shower water creating a powerful oxygenated spray. In fact, Oxygenics can increase oxygen content in the water up to 10 times. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It breathes and when oxygen is introduced to the skin, the skin will absorb the necessary oxygen it desires. So, not only are you saving money while using Oxygenics, but you're also providing a healthy product to your customers.
Feed Shark
Oxygenics Showerheads are the most water efficient in water conservation solutions. Regular Showerheads typically consume around 3.5 to 4.5 Gallons Per Minute (GPM). Oxygenics Showerheads consume 1.2 to 1.5 GPM, saving up to 70% in water consumption.
Advantages of Oxygenics
Water Saving And Self Pressurizing
Oxygenics showerheads work in a revolutionary, remarkable way. There is no other showerhead on the market that uses the patented Oxygenics® technology or is able to provide the same benefits. By using Oxygenics showerheads, customers and business will be positively impacted for many years.
The innovative technology behind Oxygenics® is based on the Venturi Principle. As water enters the base of the showerhead, it is propelled through an accelerator fin to increase the velocity of the water flow. It is then directed through a channel where oxygen is injected into water. The result? Phenomenal coverage and a continuous range of sensations - from a soft relaxing spray to a deep, therapeutic massage while maintaining a very high level of water efficiency.
How does this technology affect me?
Oxygenics is able to save water and energy without sacrificing the performance and shower experience we all expect every day. That means money in your pocket and smiles on the faces of your customers.
Property owners, maintenance supervisors, or places with hard water and high calcium levels know how troublesome it can be to have to maintain shower fixtures. The single orifice design of Oxygenics® showerheads coupled with internal components made of non-stick Delrin® are no match against common "shower cloggers." There isn't a calcium deposit or sediment that will stand in the way.
What is Delrin® and how does it work?
Delrin® is one of the secret weapons of Oxygenics® success. The chemical make-up of this innovative material doesn't allow lime and calcium deposits to bond to it. Using the average showerhead, you probably spend time and money dipping your investment in CLR or vinegar and find yourself frequently replacing clogged fixtures. Switching to Oxygenics® products will have a high efficiency shower fixture that will last for years without having to touch it. Eliminate problems of clogged showers and constant cleaning. Oxygenics® is virtually maintenance free.
As the human body ages, levels of oxygen start to diminish, especially in the skin, breaking down collagen and elastin. Oxygenics® showerheads are designed to rejuvenate your skin.
Oxygen is good for us. It is the second largest component of the earth's atmosphere. Humans and animals rely on it for survival. Without it, life as we know it would cease. But oxygen is not just for breathing.
Oxygen is a critical and sometimes overlooked component in water. Health and beauty experts praise this showerhead for its health-enhancing ability to revitalize the skin and rejuvenate skin cells.
What can oxygen do for me?
The Oxygenics system uses patented technology to continually introduce air into the shower water creating a powerful oxygenated spray. In fact, Oxygenics can increase oxygen content in the water up to 10 times. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It breathes and when oxygen is introduced to the skin, the skin will absorb the necessary oxygen it desires. So, not only are you saving money while using Oxygenics, but you're also providing a healthy product to your customers.
Flow restrictors have been placed in the bases of showerheads by manufacturers as a way to keep the water flow at 2.5GPM ever since it was federally mandated by the U.S. Government. This method of water restriction significantly decreased water pressure and left people with wimpy unsatisfactory shower performance. It didn’t take long for shower users to figure out a solution – pull out the restrictor and continue wasting large amounts of water.
To this day, virtually every showerhead manufacturer employs the use of a removable flow restrictor to continually supply 2.5 gallons per minute regardless of the water pressure. Oxygenics showerheads do the opposite and contain no removable restrictors. The patented self-pressurizing technology built within each showerhead has the ability to adapt to the incoming water pressure, and use only what is necessary to give an extremely enjoyable shower.
Our 2.5GPM models have a flow of 1.75 gallons per minute at 60PSI, offering a 70% water savings from the industry-standard 4.5 gallons per minute showerheads in the Philippines. Not only is this savings significant in reducing water consumption, but it also reduces energy costs as less hot water is used.
For more Information, please visit http://mgs.jw-world.com
Feed Shark
converve water,
eco friendly,
save water,
shower head,
Manhattan Green Solutions Presents Bioball Waterless Urinal Cartridges - Go Waterless without replacing your Urinal
The need to save water in the Philippines has become even more evident with the popularity of waterless urinals.
BIOBALL waterless urinal cartridges are an ideal way of converting urinals to become waterless. These cartridges do not need any new waterless urinals. Existing urinals can be used, saving a large amount of initial capital.
BIOBALL waterless urinal cartridges work by containing special bio-enzymes that consume uric salt and other components of urine, leaving only water down the drain. This system also emits a minty fresh odor, removing any need of deodorizers for toilets, thus, another valuable cost saving. These bio-enzymes also go through the pipes and eat up any clogs, they are 100% environmental and safe.
These waterless urinal cartridges also carry the best value for money by lasting up to 1 month before replacing. They are the most cost effective per use compared to any leading waterless urinal systems currently available, and have the fastest ROI compared to any product in the market.
BIOBALL waterless urinal cartridge goes a step further by being the only waterless urinal solution to be 100% biodegradable. The entire plastic is made out of starch polymer, which can dissolve over time on any landfill or compost.
BIOBALL waterless urinal cartridge does not contain any hazardous or toxic chemical whatsoever, making this completely environmental.
For more information, visit http://mgs.jw-world.com
Manhattan Green Solutions Philosophy
This page was inspired by the philosophy of Manhattan Green Solutions in providing and helping everyone have the ability to save energy and water. This page shall contain information ranging from tips and tricks, products, and events.
For more information on Manhattan Green Solutions, please visit http://mgs.jw-world.com
For more information on Manhattan Green Solutions, please visit http://mgs.jw-world.com
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